Beatles songs that should be remixed, “Love”-style


As I write this, it is approximately day 20-something of social distancing in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Life is certainly not normal, by any means, but what makes it feel just a little more comforting is knowing that I can lean on music and writing to bring me joy during this very weird time. And so, I’ve decided to finally get going on a blog post idea that I’ve had floating around my iPhone notes for a couple of years.

The Cirque de Soleil show Love premiered in 2006 in Las Vegas, and it’s been running ever since. This fantastical production’s soundtrack features only Beatles music, with the Fab Four’s famous hits cut up and remixed only with other Beatles songs. In fact, George Martin’s orchestra arrangement for the acoustic version of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” was the only original music composed for the show.

I have had the entire Love album on my phone for several years, and have come to really appreciate many of the interesting remixes of Beatles songs. This one in particular, which combines “Drive My Car,” “What You’re Doing,” and “The Word,” is probably my favorite on the album. It combines the best, catchiest parts of each song into one “super-song” that I often get stuck in my head. Frankly, this track is just a masterpiece that makes me metaphorically tip my cap to George and Giles Martin every time I hear it.

With the prime example of that track in mind, here are a few other potential Beatles song remixes/combinations that are not on the Love album, along with why I think these songs would go well together.

Baby You’re a Rich Man/Hey Bulldog

What I’ve gathered from listening to Love is that in order for two songs to sound good as a mashup, they have to have at least some similar qualities that can blend together. Though their tempos are different, “Baby You’re A Rich Man” and “Hey Bulldog” share a lot of similarities: a sneering, accusatory singing tone from John Lennon, memorable thumping baselines, and vaguely psychedelic production. In my fantasy mashup world, “Baby You’re A Rich Man” would be sped up a bit, with the tempo of “Hey Bulldog” slightly slowed.

Though these two songs came out a few years apart, I believe they would compliment each other well. I am not a music producer, so it’s hard to know exactly how I would splice and dice the two, but in my head I can imagine the chorus of “Baby You’re a Rich Man” going very well with the piano riff from “Hey Bulldog,” and the biting guitar solo from “Hey Bulldog” would definitely have to be included for this to be a truly kick-ass combination.

Sexy Sadie/Here, There, And Everywhere

These are two of the slower songs in the Beatles’ catalog, and I think two of the most beautiful. “Sexy Sadie” is one of my favorite songs on the White Album, with its melancholy tone and gorgeous piano part. “Here, There, And Everywhere” has one of the prettiest backing vocal parts and melodies of any Beatles song. They also have very similar tempos, so the mashup would not be too technically difficult to make sound natural.

These are two different kinds of ballads, with “Here, There, And Everywhere” as a lilting love song and “Sexy Sadie” as a more pointed critique (written about the Maharishi from the Beatles’ 1968 trip to India, not about anyone named “Sadie”). However, in my imaginary “mash-up” world, I almost feel like “Sexy Sadie” herself could be inserted as the subject of “Here, There, And Everywhere,” with some clever vocal splicing. The fact that John is the primary singer for “Sexy Sadie,” with Paul as the main lead on “Here, There, And Everywhere” could also make for a beautiful vocal interplay between the parts of both songs.

And as I write this, I’m re-realizing that both of these songs are absolute masterpieces, with “Sexy Sadie” in particular as one of my favorite Beatles songs. It is constructed so delicately and perfectly, I could listen to it on repeat for hours and not get tired of it. But for now, I’ll move on to another combination of Beatles songs that I would love to hear.

All I’ve Got To Do/I Need You

These two songs came out a couple of years apart, with “All I’ve Got To Do” on the With The Beatles album and “I Need You” as a cut from Help!. I consider both of these to be somewhat underrated Beatles songs, with “All I’ve Got To Do” in particular as a true gem. These songs work well together because they both have a pleading, longing tone, somewhat subtle instrumentation, and gorgeous backing vocals that could easily be spliced into each other’s songs.

More generally, they’re both just lovely in their honesty and vulnerability. It feels like they’re almost two halves of the same song’s story. John delivers a fantastic strong vocal on “All I’ve Got To Do,” with George providing a softer, more tender vocal for “I Need You.” Before writing this, I hadn’t listened to either of these songs in a while, but I’ll certainly be back for another listen after re-discovering them.

Savoy Truffle/Got To Get You Into My Life

Both of these songs are known for their vibrant horn sections, which is part of the reason why I think they’d work so well together. They both have such an upbeat, fun vibe, and I feel like the horn section and guitar solo from “Got To Get You Into My Life” would work really well mashed up with the main verses and chorus of “Savoy Truffle.”

They also work well together because they’re similar thematically, neither about love or relationships. “Savoy Truffle” was written by George about Eric Clapton’s affinity for chocolates, and Paul wrote “Got To Get You Into My Life” about his affinity for marijuana. They’re both so fun, lighthearted, and bouncy, and I think a mashup of the two would highlight these qualities even more.


As I was writing this, I enjoyed finding similarities between Beatles songs that were recorded several years apart. While the Beatles were known for continually reinventing themselves, these mashups illustrate that their essential DNA did not really change much over the years. Throughout all Beatles songs, there is a thread of joyous melodies and energetic, memorable instrumental parts that is always present.

I truly hope that one day I can see Love live and experience these magical mashups in person.

What other Beatles songs do you think could be mashed up or spliced together, “Love”-style?




Almost 50 Years Later, Could “White Album” Work As A Single Album?

One of my favorite shots of the Beatles during the White Album era. They all look quite majestic here.

For the past few years in Beatleland, every other week seems to be the 50th anniversary of something. First in 2013, it was 50 years since the Beatles released their debut album “Please Please Me” and took Britain by storm. Then, in 2014, it was 50 years since the Beatles invaded America and appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show.  Last year marked 50 years since the release of the landmark Beatles album “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” which I wrote about here. And now, 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of two iconic Beatles projects, the movie Yellow Submarine and the release of one of the most eclectic Beatles albums, known by fans as “White Album.”

“White Album” was, like all Beatles albums, innovative and interesting for many reasons. It was released after all four Beatles took a trip to India to learn about the Maharishi and learn about Hinduism and meditation (which Ringo famously did not take to very much). It featured several songs that only had one Beatle on them, such as “Mother Nature’s Son” for Paul and “Julia” for John. Ringo also briefly quit the band while they were recording this album, though I believe that only lasted a couple of weeks. “White Album” was one of the first Beatles albums I was fully aware of, and to me it’s always marked the beginning of the Beatles coming into their own as solo songwriters.

“White Album” is also well-known for being one of the very first double albums, and the first one ever to top the charts. Even now, it’s uncommon for artists to release so much material at once that it qualifies as a double album, but back in 1968 the Beatles clearly were overflowing with inspiration. Whenever I read anything about “White Album,” it usually includes the question “what songs would you cut from ‘White Album’ to make it a single album?” Sometimes I read replies along the lines of “I wouldn’t cut anything, it’s perfect the way it is.” And I agree that its status as a double album was certainly no hindrance on the Beatles’ success. But I also don’t think that it is a perfect album. Its imperfections help solidify its iconic status, but let’s be real here, I’d be hard pressed to find a Beatles fan that truly thinks every song on this album is a masterpiece.

Theoretically, if I were to cut “White Album” down to a single album, I’d have to cut it down from 30 songs to about 17, the number of songs on disc 1 of the album. That’s 13 songs, which sounds like a lot at first. Let’s see if I can even get that far.

Songs from “White Album” that I’d honestly have no problem cutting:

“Revolution 9”- I’ve spoken about this song before and I’ll say it again, there’s a reason that I’ve only ever listened to this once. It’s scary and very confusing.

“Revolution 1”- A slower version of the “Revolution” made famous on the “Hey Jude” single, but I think this version loses a lot of its bite slowed down. It’s a little too lazy-sounding to make a statement this way, I think.

“Wild Honey Pie”- I still can’t figure out how this made it on the album, honestly. It baffles me even more than “Revolution 9.”

“Why Don’t We Do It In The Road?”- Not one of Paul’s more insightful lyrics, and while this song comes off as a bit of a joke to me, I’ve never found it that charming.

“Don’t Pass Me By”- Of the two Beatles songs that Ringo actually wrote, this is the worse one.

“Yer Blues”- It’s certainly bluesy, but I don’t think this is one of John’s more inspired Beatles songs.

“Honey Pie”- When you see quotes from other Beatles talking about Paul’s “granny music,” this is what they’re talking about. Sorry Paul, I do think it’s a cute song!

“Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da”- I actually like this song, but I also am not that attached to it and could live with a “White Album” that didn’t have it.

Okay, that’s eight songs off the “White Album” that I’d be okay with cutting. That still leaves an album containing 22 songs, which for the vinyl constraints at the time is still way too many to have on one physical record. Let’s see if I can do any more trimming down to 17 songs.

Songs from “White Album” that I like, but don’t think are among its best:

“The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill”- The only hesitation I have about cutting this is that it leads directly into “While My Guitar Gently Weeps,” and I do think it’s generally a good song. Still, the chorus here isn’t one of my favorites, and Yoko’s backing vocals don’t really do it for me.

“Piggies”- This one is hard for me because it’s a George song. It really doesn’t hold a candle to the other George songs on this album, but as I’m listening to it now I realize that I actually do like it a lot. Cutting this one would make me sad.

“Good Night”- As I’m writing this, it’s getting harder and harder to choose more songs off of “White Album” that I would cut. This song has a lush orchestration that is the real star here, along with Ringo’s friendly vocals. It’s actually a soothing, beautiful, almost Disney-esque song. I could cut this, but it’s so gorgeous to listen to that I’d miss it.

“Rocky Racoon”- Again, I like this song a lot, but it’s never become one of my true favorites off the “White Album,” so I’m putting it tentatively on the chopping block for now. Though I feel bad about it, because it tells a fun story.

“I Will”- A very pretty song, but of the several “Paul’s acoustic ballads” that made it on the album, this one is the least memorable for me.

Okay, so I’ve made it down to 17 songs on the “White Album.” Below, I’ll list the tracking that I’d do with these 17 songs, if I were creating the album order.

  1. Back in the USSR
  2. Dear Prudence (can’t mess with that one-two punch, it really works)
  3. Glass Onion
  4. Martha My Dear
  5. I’m So Tired
  6. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
  7. Happiness Is A Warm Gun
  8. Blackbird (this would be the end of side one of the album if it were on vinyl)
  9. Birthday
  10. Julia
  11. Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey
  12. Mother Nature’s Son
  13. Sexy Sadie
  14. Savoy Truffle
  15. Cry Baby Cry
  16. Long, Long, Long
  17. Helter Skelter (I’ve always thought that this would be a badass album closer)

After listening to this new “White Album” I came up with, it definitely works, though I think it has a bit less personality than the original album without all of the songs I left out. I like the idea of bookending this new one-disc “White Album” with Paul rockers, and honestly I wish that “Helter Skelter” had been the original album closer because it really works so well! Obviously though, the Beatles knew what they were doing when it came to ordering songs on their albums, which is why I didn’t change that many of the original album’s track orders. When all is said and done, though, I still love the double album the way it is, and even those songs that I’d cut add a lot of character to the album that I’m ultimately glad is there.

If this post interested you, share with me how you’d theoretically trim down the double album into a single LP, or listen to these 17 songs in this order and let me know how you think it flows! Until next time then, fellow Beatlemaniacs. As John once sang, “We all shine on.” 🙂

My Top 10 Favorite Beatles Songs

Casual Beatles... And Then There's Paul in a Suit.

Casual Beatles… And Then There’s Paul in a Suit.

I thought it was about time that I posted my favorite Beatles songs, because I feel like you can’t be a true Beatlemaniac without at least a semi-definitive list. But, my favorites do change, sometimes weekly, sometimes daily, depending on what period of the Beatles I feel in the mood for. One day I need my Rubber Soul fix, other days I like to jam to some earlier stuff, and sometimes I enjoy a little psychadelic road trip through Magical Mystery Tour or Sgt. Pepper. Still, there are certain songs that I always feel particularly connected to. These aren’t necessarily my opinion of the 10 best Beatles songs, just my personal favorites, to avoid any major, “BUT HOW COULD YOU LEAVE OFF (insert name of influential Beatles song here)?!?!?!?!” issues. Let’s get rolling!

10. And I Love Her

I just love how calm this song makes me feel. I have it in a playlist of “relaxing Beatles songs” that I put on while I’m doing work or when I just need to relax, and it always does the trick. Also, George does some great guitar work here that only adds to the lovely aura of the song. Paul is such an extrordinarily talented songwriter that his more understated compositions such as this one tend to get overlooked, but I think that it is one of his most sincere love songs. I sometimes pretend that he’s singing this to me… 🙂

9. Getting Better

This is one of my favorite songs to play on Beatles Rock Band! The guitar part in this song is fantastic, and “Getting Better” is definitely my favorite song on the Sgt. Pepper album, if I had to choose. Also, it’s so optimistic and uplifting that you can’t help but feel like things really will get better once you hear it.

8. I Am The Walrus

I once read that John Lennon wrote this song to purposely confuse people who were studying the Beatles’ lyrics. He probably succeeded in confusing many people with it, and I love it all the more for its hilarious insanity. The line “expert texpert choking smokers, don’t you think the joker laughs at you” is definitely my favorite line in the song. Finally, for anyone who was wondering, yes, they are saying “Everybody smokes pot” at the end of the song. This was confirmed for me after I saw a Beatle tribute perform this song live, and they enunciated those words VERY clearly!

7. I’ve Got A Feeling

This is another one I enjoy belting out on Beatles Rock Band. It’s probably one of the last true Lennon/McCartney collaborations written. Not too much else to say, just a great rock song. I was pleasantly surprised and happy when Paul performed this at 12/12/12, which I watched from the comfort of my couch. I wish I’d been there. That would have been epic.

6. Ticket to Ride

First, this video is my favorite part of the movie Help! Second, everything about this song rocks; from the harmonies to the drums to the guitar riff, it’s all there. John and Paul always sound magical singing together, and this song is no exception.

5. Day Tripper

Ahhh, I love this song! Words can’t describe how happy I feel when I hear it! It contains my favorite guitar riff throughout the song, and once again, it rocks in a way that can’t be recreated by anyone else. I also love how the beginning of this video shows George doing what he does best, and smiling while he does it! My heart fluttered a bit when he came on the screen. I think that every music video by any artist, ever, should start with a 10 second close up of George Harrison. But Macca Maniacs, Lennon Lovers, and Starrfish, feel free to disagree.

4. Something

This is one of the most listened-to songs on my iPod, probably because I listened to it every single night before I went to sleep for about a month straight. I’ve listened to it so many times that I’ve probably memorized every note of every instrument throughout the whole song. This is definitely George’s most beautiful love song, and maybe one of the most beautiful songs ever recorded. Either way, it’s wonderful. Also, this video features pictures of George with his lovely first wife, Pattie Boyd. And if I ever had to answer the question, “Name the person you are most jealous of,” it would probably be her. Yeah, I wonder why…

3. She Loves You

This is by far my favorite pre-Rubber Soul Beatles song, because it’s so ridiculously catchy. I dare anyone to listen to it and not start dancing or singing along. You’ll have a tough go at it, I’m sure. I love it, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!!!

2. Hey Jude

This is one of those songs that I knew most of the words to before I even knew who the Beatles were. There’s a reason why it’s so popular; everyone loves hearing it, whether they admit it or not. No matter where this song comes on, people will start singing along. If it went on forever, I’d sing along the whole time and not get tired. It’s uplifting, infectious, and a classic in every sense of the word. This was also my favorite Beatles song for a while. Until I discovered THIS one…

1. While My Guitar Gently Weeps

The only way to properly listen to and experience the power of this song is to listen to it late at night on your iPod with good quality headphones, in complete darkness, while sitting on your bed, clutching a pillow, and swaying to the beat of the song. I guarantee, you have not fully heard this song until you’ve done that. I could stay in that position for hours. The effect is truly mindblowing, and the song is hauntingly beautiful and hypnotic. And THAT is why it’s my favorite Beatles song!

Other “Honorable Mention” Beatles songs that would round out my Top 20 list: Sexy Sadie, Yesterday, Your Mother Should Know, Don’t Bother Me, I Feel Fine, This Boy, The Fool On The Hill, Within You Without You, Taxman, And Your Bird Can Sing.

Beatlesque Songs

I think I’ve made it pretty clear by this point that I love the Beatles! As I’ve delved into the world of Beatle music, I’ve noticed that many other musical artists have recorded Beatlesque music that clearly shows an influence from the Beatles. Here are a few of my favorite Beatlesque songs, some of which are like a particular Beatles song, and others which are more generally Beatlesque.

1. Start! (The Jam)

This song isn’t just Beatlesque… For those of you Beatlemaniacs who noticed it right away, you are correct: the bass and guitar lines from the Beatles song “Taxman” are directly copied here. This is a well known comparison in the world of musical similarities, and honestly, I don’t really mind the fact that Start! and Taxman are eerily similar. I love both songs, and I appreciate that the members of The Jam liked the Beatles so much that they wanted to use part of a Beatles song on their song.
Here’s Taxman, just to clarify:

2. Karma Police (Radiohead)

This song has been compared to the Beatles’ “Sexy Sadie” before, and I read that the members of Radiohead openly admitted that Sexy Sadie inspired this song. It’s a really cool song, and I love how the wonderful music of the Beatles has inspired so much other wonderful music in the world. It makes me feel like good music that touches the soul will always be around as long as people don’t forget the Beatles.
Here’s Sexy Sadie, just for comparison:

3. Dawned on Me (Wilco)

This song isn’t as Beatlesque as the others, but it’s definitely very Harrison-esque. I can picture George singing this song on his album Cloud Nine in my head. The lead singer even sounds a little like George.

4. And She Was (Talking Heads)

This is my favorite of the four songs I’ve listed here, for one main reason: It really sounds like a Beatles song! Everything about it, from the lyrics, to the song structure, to the guitar riff, to the solo at the end, screams Beatles to me! I can picture John writing and singing it, with a little help from Paul, probably. This could fit right in with the Day Tripper/Ticket to Ride era Beatles singles. You may or may not agree, but it’s a great song in its own right.

If I think of any more Beatlesque songs I love, I’ll post them. Have a great week!